There are several ways to join the music ministry of Seymour FBC and use your musical talent
to praise the Lord.
Worship Choir: For adults of all ages. We rehearse every week and lead in worship weekly as well as in special programs.
Praise Teams/Small Groups: Small singing groups that come from the worship choir and serve in other capacities leading worship.
Orchestra: For youth and adults of all ages who have a few years of experience on an instrument. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:20 and play in the morning worship service regularly.
Band: For guitarists, drummers, and other rhythm players. This group is one of the primary drivers in our weekly worship gathering.
Audio/Visual: For any volunteer who likes tech and audio. This integral ministry provides support for rehearsals and services for our in-person and online presence.
Student Choir: For Students 7th - 12th grade. This ministry helps develop worship leading skills.
To find out about ways to plug into the music ministry of Seymour FBC, contact Austin Clark.