Sunday School
@ Seymour FBC
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Sunday School is one of the primary means of discipleship at SFBC. When you consider the example of disciple-making that Jesus set for us, we see Him operating in 3 specific spheres:
The Crowds - We see Jesus teaching and preaching before larger gatherings of people. This sphere is represented in our church by our Sunday morning worship gatherings.
The Twelve - We see Jesus teaching and fellowshipping with His disciples, teaching them in a more intimate setting than that of the crowds. This sphere is represented in our church by our Sunday School classes.
Finally, we see Jesus spending even more time with Peter, James, and John. This was the most intimate level of discipleship and He modeled spending the most time with the people who would be responsible for leading the ministry after Jesus ascended. This sphere is represented in our church by our D-Groups.
So Sunday School is our second level of discipleship at SFBC. We encourage everyone to find a class in which they are comfortable and can engage.
Sunday School Classes
Brochures detailing classes, teachers, and locations are available in our sanctuary lobby. You can also click on the graphic to see and download the brochure to your device.
Brochures detailing classes, teachers, and locations are available in our sanctuary lobby. You can also click on the graphic to see and download the brochure to your device.
Brochures detailing classes, teachers, and locations are available in our sanctuary lobby. You can also click on the graphic to see and download the brochure to your device.