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Job Description: Kids Ministry Director


Principal Functions:


The Kids Ministry Director is responsible for overseeing all children’s ministries reaching children from preschool through 6th grade. This ministry position includes oversight of workers and volunteers serving in our preschool and kid’s areas with the sole purpose of leading all children to a foundational authentic relationship with Jesus Christ.



  1. Implement a comprehensive program of Christian development and education for children preschool age through 6th grade as laid out by the Family Pastor

  2. Oversee, train, and resource teachers, helpers, and volunteers serving during Wednesday night and Sunday morning in the preschool and kids ministry

  3. Plan and implement kid’s ministry activities for families and community outreach

  4. Implement and supervise, with the guidance of the Families Pastor, current and future child protection practices and policies

  5. Evaluate age-appropriate program materials, equipment, supplies, and space for children’s ministry

  6. Work with the Families Pastor to develop an annual budget and manage funds for the fiscal year

  7. Perform other duties as assigned by the Families Pastor and Lead Pastor

As an employee of Seymour First Baptist Church, you are an important aspect of the ministry of Christ through this church body.  Because of this, you must be a model of Christian behavior and morality.  You must agree to live a witness of the life of Christ in testimony, behavior, and attitude.  You must attend worship on a regular basis, be involved in Bible study, maintain a regular discipline of prayer, and abstain from behavior that would be contrary to the Christian lifestyle as described in scriptures and interpreted by this church.

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